One of us lives on the east coast. One of us lives on the west.

One of us lives in a rural community. One of us lives in a city.

Both of us wander. Both of us witness. Both of us write.

This is a record of what we find.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Landscape of a Newborn

I have very little today.
In fact, the tiniest of things.
The newest.
The newborn.

Fellow VCFA graduate and dearest friend, Katie Mather, had her first baby last month. A boy.  And I had the great honor of post-partum doula-ing for her last week and this. She lives in Philadelphia and I imagined that I would go there, walk around (with baby in pack, perhaps) and take in the unfamiliar landscape.

I didn't do that.

I did this instead.

Not so much walking around as waltzing around...the house. And then sitting, like this. And feeling the fluttering heartbeat of a just shy of 3 weeks out-in-the-world heart. And listening to the small sighs and squeaks of just shy of 3 weeks out-in-the-world lungs.

The landscape of a newborn.

The tiny sharp fingernails.
The healing bellybutton.
The milky tongue.
The touchdown arms.
The rise and fall of a cloth-diapered bum, a perfect child's pose, feet and hands tucked neatly under the belly.

The landscape of a newborn.

Happy Spring, everyone.
Gratefully yours,